Monday, December 22, 2008

Some Good Things Must Come to an End

The saying usually goes, "All good things must come to an end", but I'm pretty sure that saying is completely ridiculous. I mean yes, Seinfeld isn't taping anymore seasons, but are sunsets, banana splits, and PJ pants going anywhere? I don't think so (to be said in annoyingly high, sing-songy voice). 

But yes, in this case, it's true - my wonderful South American adventure has come to an end. I had a safe, smooth flight home, and I can't even explain to you how amazing it felt to walk into Dulles Airport and understand everything everyone was saying. I practically ran up to the immigration desk and said, "Oh my God, this is so great. I'm going to understand everything you say!" The guy looked at me and was like, "Uh, are you bringing any drugs into the country?"

And while being back has been a bit disorienting - rediscovering my wardrobe (although that's a big word for such a sad selection), driving again (don't worry, I'm still a potential NASCAR recruit), and wondering how the hell gas prices dropped so drastically!'s also like everything's just as I left it. I've hung out with a bunch of friends and family, and you just pick up right where you left off - the true sign of real friendship. 

So I guess this will be my last "Viaje a Sudamerica" blog entry :(. I've had so much fun writing this and sharing my experiences with all of you, and thank you for following along. Really! It means a lot to me. I actually had such a good time with this blog, my first, that I'm planning to start a new one. Check it out:

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas filled with peace, joy, and much love!


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