Friday, October 3, 2008

For Every Up There is a Down!

Where to start? Hmmmm, so after I signed off last night I went around the corner for some grub and hey...why not enjoy a local favorite - a nice cold Pilsener!? I was alone and apparently this isn´t the best neighborhood, so I came right home and watched The Simpsons and the US VP debate (in spanish) with a guy that works the night shift here. I would tell you his name, but that was just one of MANY things I didn´t catch. He didn´t speak a word of english and went on and on, very passionately, about several subjects, none of which I can recall right now. But I think he´s opposed to the war in Iraq :). that was fine. I went to bed early. I figured I´d get up early and have a fun day of exploration, maybe go visit the equator (La Mitad del Mundo or ¨Middle of the World¨)...but let´s just say my body was going to have the last word. I don´t know if it was the food...the water (which I tried not to drink even when brushing my teeth)...or the cervesa (not my fault they only serve Pilsener in 22oz bottles!), but my body ¨threw a fit¨ at about 2:30am. I´ll leave it at that and let you use your imagination. :)

So when I woke up at 7am I was completely exhausted and not feeling so hot. I tried to go to the drug store to FINALLY get some contact solution (I guess everyone here has 20/20 vision or walks around blind, because NO ONE sells stuff for contacts!) and could hardly walk I was so weak. I ended up coming back to the hostel, abandoning my big plans to the middle of the world, and sleeping until noon. I finally felt alive again after a shower, mind you the store I went to earlier was still closed, so I was again washing my entire body and teeth with peppermint soap. wow....

So, I finally got my booty out to a nearby park (I couldn´t be completely lame!) and things turned around from there. While it was really sketchy and I´m pretty sure the dude was trying to steal my camera (just from the way he was staring at it the whole time we talked), he did speak the most understandable spanish I´ve heard in a long time...or maybe he was just speaking really slow. :) But we sat in Parque El Ejido with kids running around playing and talking about Esmeraldes (sp?), where he is from. I made a good exit and then walked in some ass-backward pattern back to the main street in case he was following. I know. I hate to be suspecious, especially if people have good intentions, but I´m not going to take that chance for some random I just met!

So now I´m really hungry! I haven´t eaten a thing since breakfast at 8am (more on this later). So I went to a little cafe that Lonely Planet recommended (thank you again, Aditi por el regalo!) - Kallari. I ordered way too much, but what I could eat was great (the bread melts in your mouth!) and I had a brownie that LP claimed would give you an orgasm...let´s not push it people! But it was good. :) And I made another, much less suspect friend, Frankie, who worked there and is from Tena (where we´ll be visiting soon). He was really nice and we had a good´s been great practice for my spanish!

So now I´m back at the hostel and waiting for our first group meeting! There are apparently 15 or 16 of us! yikes! And this morning I met some more folks. A couple young couples that seemed very nice. I won´t go too into the group yet - save more material for later (you know I have a hard time thinking of things to say...uh, yea). But so far I´m the only Americana. Lots of Aussies. Ok, well, that´s enough for now. Hope all is well with you all!!


Unknown said...

ann and i are reporting. i just read the blog to her as she ate. i'm glad you took the ass backward walk to get away from camera thief. don't trust anyone. ann says she feels like she's there with you and she can imagine everything you do as she read the blog bc of the details. ann said to check your voicemail...there's a surprise guest on there. we love you very much and we are glad you are being extra cautious. ps maybe i shouldve filled more bottles of that peppermint wonder.

KelHill said...

hey hey... first off, I'm glad you are feeling better. Second, the trip already sounds amazing.Your spelling thus far has been very good! I'm impressed... Okay, I'll admit I'm just reading the blog waiting for you to mistakenly write hummus stone instead of pumice stone or something to that effect. haha... just kidding. I love the blog. It rocks. Can't wait to hear more as your travels continue!! xoxox

ktblash said...

Glad to hear you were only attacked by your own insides and not any strangers. Thank you also for keeping the account PG 13 and leaving some of those gory detail out.

Mama Unt said...

Hi Cara,
I'm giving this a try - we'll see what happens.

Mama Unt said...

I like this blog thing. In my 50's and still trying new things with a little help from my friends like KT. I experienced a "bodily fit" in Mexico years ago when I accidentally swallowed some water while snorkeling in a lagoon. Ugh.
Hopefully you got that one out of the way! Hope you find contact solution, avoid trouble, and meet some great people in your group. I feel better now that you'll be traveling by group and not roaming alone. Be careful-WE LOVE YOU!

The Castles said...

hi ca-ra! its rain (on alex's computer) i love love love reading your blog and look forward to your next entry. sorry about your "bodily fit" but glad to hear you're surviving and enjoying yourself. good to hear you are being extra cautious - just remember to stay away from drunk spanish guys in clubs that want to grab your *** - when in doubt,go for the nose and run :o)

Cara said...

You guys are hilarious! Thanks for your posts - it makes the whole thing more conversational...and I feel like I still get to chat con mis amigos! xoxo, Cara

Liz said...

Cara - Hi! It's Liz from Hickory Post. Just got your blog address from your mom, Scott mentioned you were blogging and of course did not forward any infor to me! We are sorry to have missed you upon your departure. We had a little bonvoyage bag all done up for you, guess we were not up a 3:00 a.m.! Glad to hear all is going well so far besides your tummy bug. I've enjoyed reading about your adventures! Take Care- Love, Liz, Scott, Ian & Lindsey