Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Lesson I Wish I Hadn´t Learned...

I´m more calm now than I was earlier, which means this entry might not be as angry (and therefore entertaining) as it could be...To cut to the chase, I was robbed on the beach this morning during a jog and had my iPod stolen (insert lots of colorful language here). Part of me is angry at the dude for being an f´ing asshole, and part of me is angry with myself for not even realizing I was in danger.

The story...I woke up and decided that I needed a bit of exercise after all our traveling and eating. It was about 9am and so I hit the beach with my running shoes. It was so nice and peaceful. I was about 12 mins out and I thought, ¨You know, I should turn around.¨ What I didn´t know is that the young guy I had just passed was waiting for me on the beach. I knew I was in trouble when I saw that he had put his white T-shirt over his head and was ever so carefully timing his walk towards the water with my speed. When he got closer to the water, I started running up near the top of the beach (there was really nowhere else I could go, I had to pass him one way or another). It all happened very quickly, but I knew I was screwed and he came toward me pointing to his wrist like he wanted the time. I knew he didn´t want the time. SHIT! He ran up to me and pointed at my arm - ¨iPod iPod!¨ I shouted no! and he pulled out a knife. I hardly remember what happened, but I just pulled the iPod off and threw it. I know I should just be grateful that he didn´t hurt me, but I´m still feeling angry, frustrated, and completly violated. Ahhhhhhhh!

I knew this ¨lesson¨ was coming in one way or another, but when it happens it´s still a bitch. So, I went to the police station with my guide and filed a report. They had me looking at pictures on a computer...I couldn´t tell you what he looked like - he had a freakn´T-shirt on his head and he looked like every other really tanned Peruvian in board shorts. They were pretty incompetent and Alberto, our guide, told me that even if they found the guy and the iPod, they would just keep it and sell it for a couple bucks. Makes you appreciate the cops at home a bit more!

So in addition to being really bitter, I haven´t done much but eat a little lunch with the group. I think we´re off to the beach now and one of the guys in offering to help me see if I can get up on a surfboard. I think I´ll just take it easy, try to forget about today, and leave my troubles behind during our 10-12 hour travel day tomorrow. What can you do?.....


Anonymous said...

I had to read your entry twice...I just couldn't believe it happened to you. I'm sorry that you had to go through it but I'm really glad to hear that you are ok. Be careful and we are thinking about you!

ktblash said...

I am sorry you lost your Ipod and more so sorry you had to have that terrible experience of being threatened. If it makes you feel any better I lost my hard drive today with all my music, school lesson plans, and the worst my pictures. The kicker is that I can only be angry at myself not some stupid t-shirt head robber. So rather than hate myself I am going to channel that energy toward your robber.

Rajiva said...

OMG, I hope the thief didn't get your Hour of Power mix!!! He doesn't have the skillz to handle it! :) Seriously, though, sorry you had to go through that - I'm glad you came out of it short only an ipod. Here's hoping the thief has crappy taste in music, hates your playlists, and that someone steals his laptop so that he can't upload his "totally 80's" mix. Take care...


Cara said...

OMG. KT, I´m so sorry to hear that you lost your photos. I´m sure you have them saved in email, but I´ve got all the ones you´ve ever sent out.

Raj- your message just made me die laughing. Yes, I hope that bastard experiences his ¨personal hell¨ listening to Whitney Houston remixed for the rest of eternity! hahah.

Abby said...

cara! i am so sorry! and this guy probably doesn't even have a computer or iTunes or a way to charge it! so hopefully you were really low on battery... i know this comment is probably late but i just figured out how to tap into your blog.