Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Estoy Aqui!

Reporting from Quito, Ecuador...;) After 14 hours of pretty intense travel (i.e. I never went to bed last night, I couldn´t carry-on my bag, and I was THE LAST person to board the final leg to Quito...JUST barely made it!), I´m finally here safe and sound, sitting in the cutest ´hostel´ I´ve ever scene (note: I´ve never been in a hostel before!, but this is awesome!). I´m at La Hostal Casa Kalena. It´s tucked-away on a quiet street in the heart of the city and has hardwood floor and white walls accented by colorful furniture and art. There is tranquil music playing and a wonderful breeze. When I was shown to my room (a single with my own bathroom - sweet), I was so happy to have made it and be here that when the guy closed the door I couldn´t stop smiling, and I´m pretty sure I was talking to myself...¨I made it!¨

So now I´m off to experience my first meal! I am so hungry and can´t wait! And then I´ll shop for toiletries (sp?) and probably come back to see if I can meet up with another girl, that I saw in the guestbook, who is also with Intrepid Travel. She´s from New Zealand...more later!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

you spelled toiletries correctly but you said scene instead of seen. dude i feel really bad about the bag. if you went anywhere else in the world, they wouldve let it go. anyway, ive been thinking about you and am very glad you have arrived and are safe. ps your food from macaroni grill will sit in my fridge until you arrive in december.

Unknown said...

Wow it sounds like you have had a great adventure getting there! I can't believe you have your own room and bathroom... that is amazing! I bet that the chica from new zealand will be cool and fun to hang out with and by that I mean a good drinking buddy:) I am so happy for you. I know it sounds cheesy but you should be really proud of yourself. It is loco traveling a far distance by yourself and everything in another country has to be done the 'hard' way:) I hope you like the espanol that I am slipping in. Enjoy yourself!
Love, michelle

ktblash said...

Thank you for letting us know you made it safe and sound! Sorry to hear about your bag.....if you took out the extra large travel underwear I gave you that probably would save you at least 5 lbs. easy.